Monday, September 06, 2004


I am not sure about where and when I heard Aufwind for the first time. I falled in love immediately with their style. Such perfect voices and such a clear spoken Yiddish, attracted me. But I knew then that they do their work in Germany. That inspire the very big respect I have for them. Keeping the Jewish Music untouched, in such a country, where being a jew is not something you can advertise freely. The country is changing of course and with time things will settle. There are more and more jews going to live in Germany these days, and the country is coming to base some important Israeli companies, so people dont have to go to a conflict zone to do business. I have strong feelings and respect for the work Aufwind does. And this is why I have their entire collection (except for the last CD - Andreas: would you send it to me free of charge?).
YidishMusic carried a special short program ("Aufwind, by YidishMusic") every hour only with Aufwind's pieces, for almost 3 years.
The main thing is that I feel that Aufwind can be compared to the reborn of the judaism in Germany. They keep all klezmer tradition singing in a perfect Yidish, or Russish, all the songs that touch our hearts. I can say nothing more. You must go to their site and buy their work to listen to it and to understand, how important it is.
Hurry there clicking here

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